click the wings :D

about me!!

hi !!! welcome to my carrd (❁'β—‘'❁)

name: ari / apollo
gender: male
age: sixteen
zodiac: leo β˜‰, aries ☾, cancer ↑
alignment: neutral good


what up i'm ari i'm 16 and i named my dog after an ace attorney character!!! i consider myself 2 b a pretty caring and upbeat person but especially recently my mental health has been Not The Best so if i can't be as nice as i want to be imn sorry abt that :-( i really just love everybody but i'm bad at expressing it DHGLDHG sorry if my keysmashes r not up to par i'm typing this on a computer lmao. anyway though i'm not the best at showing my love to other people it is VERY easy for me to get attached to certain series for a short amount of time and then move onto something else so don't be surprised if i'm like really hyped up abt smth stupid suddenly and then the next week i'm totally over it. it happens A Lot more than you'd think :,DD

ok here r sum funkey facts about me then we can get back to the good stuff

i have synesthesia :-Di'm an artist with a webcomic (that u should totally read)me biorthfday.. august 16 .. . cry face emoji


sorry the list is long i just.. like a lot of things i guess (Β΄βˆ€`*)
❀ means i'm really into it rn

ace attorney ❀
stardew valley
zero escape

jojo's bizarre adventure ❀
mob psycho 100
fullmetal alchemist
ouran high school host club

good omens ❀
the adventure zone ❀
(everything else by the mcelroys)
wolf 359
welcome to night vale
cop + medical dramas
emo music

"bebop" as they say

bruh moment call me edgy all u want i've been emo for the better half of 3 years now and while i've kind of dialed back on the clothing (though i still DO wear black all the time. not to be emo just cus that's all i have LMAO) i still listen to fob as well as panic and mcr on a very frequent basis. my Entire Comic That I Wrote is based around fall out boy music and ngl if i had never heard of them idk what i would be doing rn :,D fob was my first concert too and while i was way far in the back it was still an amazing experience :---) anyway if you give me any song by fall out boy i can name it and sing it that is one of my only redeeming qualities

    ^ that's how long i've been emo


    i love doubles i kiss yall. mwah

    apollo justice



    joseph joestar / kaito momota
    doug eiffel / magnus burnsides


    akira fudo / santa
    dave strider

    + some unlisted


    you follow basic dfi criteria
    you're a terf, map, or fujoshi
    you're here to start/bring back drama
    i have blocked you in the past
    you have a problem with any of my friends
    you will disrespect my triggers

    we share interests
    we have mutuals
    you kin any of my comforts


    i loev yall.....,. soooo much. mwah this is in alphabetical order >:DD

    πŸ•ŠοΈ babs πŸ•ŠοΈ

    🐚 brooke 🐚

    ⚠️ cam ⚠️

    ✨ catty ✨

    ♏ josie ♏

    πŸ’  julian πŸ’ 

    πŸ’€ juno πŸ’€

    πŸ¦‘ liv πŸ¦‘

    β˜‚οΈ matthew β˜‚οΈ

    πŸ₯° olivia πŸ₯°

    β˜€οΈ sonny β˜€οΈ


    please please PLEASE tag any of these things especially the first one, i'm not a confrontational person so i won't go after you but it would make me SO happy if u tagged everything on this list :,,,D thank u

    pretty. odd. by p!atd (!!!!!!)*
    jβ€’min hβ€’n
    gun violence and war imagery
    jokes about cutting me off

    * i am okay with hearing nine in the afternoon, that green gentleman, and northern downpour. when the day met the night is iffy but overall okay. those are the only ones i can tolerate.

    ok so bascally im gay

    what can i say i just love a lotta fictional men!!!

    anthony j. crowley / klavier gavin
    josuke higashikata / caesar zeppeli
    reigen arataka / ryo asuka
    qrow branwen / junpei tenmyouji

    if u kin any of them..... hmu

    to the world !

    u made it to the end of my carrd!! good fr u if i were you in this situation i would have clicked off the second i mentioned being emo in 2019... whatever cringe culture is dead :> anyway all that matters is u got here!!! to follow pwease tell me ur favorite video game :D mwah